Student Life at Landmark College
We believe that there’s more to education than just what you find in textbooks and classrooms.
- 开瓶器 我们的社区
- 开瓶器 新学生
- 家庭周末
- 开瓶器 Residential Life
- 餐厅
- Shuttle Services & Transportation Options
- 开瓶器 体育运动, Fitness, and Recreation
- Student Activities
- 开瓶器 校园安全
- 开瓶器 Health, Counseling, and Wellness
- Therapy Dog Program
- Social Pragmatic Support Services
- Information Technology Services
- 开瓶器 Family Programs at Landmark College
- 学生媒体
At Landmark College, understanding who you are, 你看重什么, what you stand for, and who you want to become is central to your educational experience. 在信用证, you get to bring forward and develop every strength, 人才, and ambition you have within yourself. You will find your direction and develop the confidence you need to reach your goals.
Creating a supportive community so that students who learn differently can flourish is just one of the ways Landmark College differs from traditional colleges.
Look Around and Explore
在信用证, there are plenty of ways for you to become involved and engaged on campus—whether by becoming part of an athletic team, taking on a student leadership role, flying down a zip line, being part of our radio station, or spending time with friends at one of the many events on campus.
Our Commitment to You
In the Office of Student Affairs, we endeavor to work with you and for you. It won’t always be easy—reaching a goal rarely is—but we’ll help you build the self-esteem you need to push your horizons as far as you can go. We’ll encourage you to become involved in the campus community and to take advantage of the leadership roles you can play here and in the world.
Office of Student Affairs
Strauch Family Student Center, Room 213
[email protected]